Alvaro delivered a great concert last night at the free open-air festival Donauinselfest in Vienna.
Last night Alvaro Soler performed at the very popular open-air festival Donauinselfest hosted by Ö3 Hit Radio that took place in Vienna....

Alvaro promoted his single La Libertad this week in Miami and then in Mexico City. Read on to know m
This week Alvaro Soler did a great deal of promo for his new single La Libertad in the United States and Mexico. On Monday (10/06) and on...

¡Alvaro vendrá en concierto a México el 1 de diciembre! ¡No te pierdas su concierto! Compra ahora y
¡Estupendas noticias para todos los fans mexicanos de Álvaro Soler! El próximo 1 de diciembre, Álvaro viene a México con su gira Mar de...

Get prepared already for the second part of Alvaro's Mar de Colores tour in September! Get your
Last week Alvaro finished the first part of his Mar de Colores Tour with a brilliant show on Sunday 26th of May at the Wizink Center in...

Alvaro promoted his new single La Libertad last Sunday night on the Italian TV show Che Tempo Che Fa
Last Sunday night (2nd of June) Alvaro was on the Italian TV show Che Tempo Che Fa, where he presented his new single La Libertad. Alvaro...