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Alvaro conquered again the hearts of his massive Hungarian fan base during his outstanding concert l

Last Friday Alvaro was the biggest star at the popular Hungarian music festival Szeged Youth Festival (SZIN), which took place on Friday night in the Hungarian city of Szeged. Alvaro delivered an astonishing concert for lots of thousands of people, who lived the best time in their lives dancing and singing to his music. It's obvious that Hungary, too, has fallen to the huge charms of this enormously talented and successful Spanish international singer.

El pasado viernes, Álvaro fue la mayor estrella en el popular festival húngaro Szeged Youth Festival (SZIN) que se celebró el viernes por la noche en la ciudad húngara de Szeged. Álvaro entregó un concierto maravilloso para muchos miles de personas, quienes se lo pasaron mejor que nunca cantando y bailando con su música. Ahora ya no queda la menor duda de que Hungría es otro país que se ha rendido al excepcional encanto de este artista español internacional increíblemente talentoso y carismático.

See below for the photos and videos of Alvaro's awesome and very successful concert last Friday at the Hungarian Szeged Youth Festival

Véanse abajo para ver las fotos y los vídeos del concierto destacado y muy exitoso que hizo Álvaro el pasado viernes en el festival húngaro SZIN.


Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Carisma

La Cintura

Credits: video from the Youtube account of Eden


Credits: video from the Youtube account of Splendestic


Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Csaba Zelenák

Credits: Photo by Dori Dianoczki @dori.dianoczki (Instagram)

Credits: Photo by @trophotography

Credits: Photos from the website

Credits: photos by @bta_live

Credits: Photo by @flashben

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