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Alvaro at Bergstadtfest in Freiberg, Saturday 23rd of June

Alvaro Soler gave a free concert at the event Bergstadtfest hosted by MDR Jump in Freiberg (Germany) on Saturday 23rd of June. Below I posted the photos of Alvaro's concert

Alvaro Soler entregó un concierto gratuito en el evento Bergstadtfest apadrinado por MDR Jump en la localidad alemana de Freiberg el sábado 23 de junio. Abajo comparto las fotos

Credits: Photos by photographer Hagen Wolf / MDR Jump

Credits: Photos are by photographers Sarah von Neuburg (Instagram @sarah.von.neuburg) and Lars-Christian Karde (@lars.christian.karde) and were reposted by the Instagram page of Aniko @aniko.shr

Alvaro also signed the Silberne Buch (Silver Book) of the Freiberg University Town some hours before his concert at Bergstadtfest.

Alvaro también firmó el Silberne Buch (Libro de Plata) de la Ciudad Universitaria de Freiberg algunas horas antes de su concierto en el evento Bergstadtfest.

Credits: Photos by photographer Hagen Wolf / MDR Jump

Credits: Photos by Sven Krüger and the official Facebook page of Bergstadtfest Freiberg

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